The first steps are critical

The way to digital pathology

Everyone is talking about "Digital pathology" - but it has not yet been implemented in most laboratories. The main questions about digital pathology are:

What is the relationship between costs and benefits?
What is the best starting point?
Is the investment of an expensive digital slide scanner a prerequisite?

One thing is certain: Converting from glass slides to digital microscopy require these steps: 1. digitizing, 2. communicating, 3. organizing – it does not need to be expensive or complicated! The first steps are critical. If you choose the right strategy, you will not only work digitally more efficiently and economically than manually, you will also improve the quality of your diagnoses - and create new freedom.

Corona crisis: Work from home!

In the corona crisis, it is important for many pathologists to be able to work from their home office. Thanks to digital pathology, you can now be ready to work from home within 24 hours.

Simple integration

With modern, cloud-based solutions, the entry into "digital pathology" is now uncomplicated and takes less than an hour. Without IT knowledge, systems like PathoZoom-LiveView can be installed and put into operation in the laboratory. Due to the easy connection to any laboratory information system, frozen section labs and remote offices can easily be digitally connected. The pathologist will save time and money.

With an amount of 1 to 10 specimens per day, this is the easiest and most cost-effective solution.

The next step is the digitization of about 10 to 50 cases per day, e.g. to integrate an external pathologist into the routine diagnostics.

Full digitization should then be carried out as the final step, as it means a complete change in the laboratory's internal workflow.

But: The advantage of a good system quickly pays off, because the digital slides are available - without a costly system change - not only for diagnostics, but also directly for tumor boards, meetings and teaching.

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BENEFITS of digitization

  • Work from home, especially in times of the Corona crisis
  • Digitally connect frozen section labs and remote offices and diagnose from your desk
  • Receive a second opinion in real time in case of uncertainty in diagnostics - virtually fetch your colleague to the microscope or digital section
  • Connect with other laboratories - you will receive results without the hassle of shipping materials
  • Involve external (part-time) pathologists in the diagnosis - regardless of where they are currently located
  • Collect interesting cases for research, tumor boards or teaching – integratable into our teaching system with digital microscopy

Intelligent microscope software such as PathoZoom enables efficient diagnoses and thus fast, personalized therapies.

Work together online easily


Digitize slides on your own microscope or via scanner


Send, stream or present slides with one mouse click


Organize slides for working with external pathologists or from the home office in PathoZoom Digital Lab / HomeOffice

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By doctors for doctors.
The market leader as your partner
to get started in digital pathology

To enable pathologists to work effectively in an efficient workflow, Smart In Media - German No. 1 in digital microscopy - has developed the PathoZoom product family.

It brings clinics, laboratories and pathologists into the world of digital pathology in three steps: 1.. Digitizing, 2. Communicating, 3. Organizing

PathoZoom is a powerful, intelligent software package with a cloud solution that far exceeds the limits of previous virtual microscopy tools and grows with laboratory requirements - without a six-figure investment in a full system.

PathoZoom products were developed by doctors for doctors!

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Digital Lab Suite / Home Office

Diagnosis independent of time and place: The PathoZoom Digital Lab / HomeOffice Suite provides all involved laboratories and employees with digital slides. This enables pathologists to diagnose cases from home or anywhere and at any time - via tablet, laptop, smartphone, PC or Mac. In times of corona crisis and a steadily increasing shortage of pathologists, this opens a way to involve new or additional employees in the home office, part-time or from another city.

Scan &  LiveView Diagnostics Suite

The PathoZoom Scan & LiveView Diagnostics Suite scans or transfers histological slides in one minute. Laboratories and colleagues can immediately view the image and diagnose online. This "Whole Slide Scanning" tool for telepathology can be installed within minutes without any IT knowledge. This means that field offices and quick editing stations are connected to the laboratory in no time - via plug & play. Within seconds, colleagues can see, discuss and diagnose a completely digitized specimen (Scan) or the microscope view in real time (LiveView). The suite includes PathoZoom Scan and PathoZoom LiveView as well as Ki67, ER, PR and soon PD-L1 quantifiers based on artificial intelligence.


Doctors and students can access histological slides online at any time via the smart online and e-learning platform SmartZoom ClassRoom. Expert annotations help them to learn and discuss. SmartZoom is the selected teaching platform of the International Academy of Pathology in Germany and is successfully used by over 20 universities and pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the USA.

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